Harvard Business Review continually highlights emerging ideas in business and management. It is making the world of business a better place!

One such review is “The 6 Fundamental Skills Every Leader Should Practice” by Ron Ashkenas and Brook Manville. So, here is to you – the aspiring leader who is willing to learn and lead. In my view, old-style “managers” are mostly implanted as leaders. Generally, they are entrenched in “that’s the way you will do it” style, or are too “dinosaurite” to entertain new ideas. (PS: another book, also reviewed by HBR, describes them: “Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders (And How to Fix It) by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic). 

As Ashkenas and Manville state, “… the best way to develop proficiency is leadership is not just through reading books and going to training courses, but even more through real experience and continual practice.” So, I paraphrase Ashkenas and Manville below: 

1.     Shape a vision that is exciting and challenging.

2.     Translate that vision into a clear strategy.

3.     Recruit, develop, and reward you team.

4.     Focus on measurable results.

5.     Foster innovation and learning.

6.     Lead yourself, and lead by example.”  

I like “measurable” results, or outcomes that you and eh team have a direct impact on. I also like leading by example – the leader (and the “aspiring” leader) bust never stop to learn! So, learn and practice; practice and learn. You will get noticed for the positive energy you bring to your team and to your organization. Success be to you!
