Pradeep Ganguly, MEDA Hall of Fame, 2019. CSO at a U.S. Corporation promoting

Here is a great interview by Jamie Dimon:

How to be Successful (in your career, business, and in life)

Yes, you can be successful in your career, in business and in life.  Mr. Dimon puts continuous learning on the top of his list (just like “continuous improvement” used to define manufacturing excellence). Here are seven gems you can take away, if you want to build your career, and be successful in business and in life:

1.     Learn, learn, and LEARN. Learning should be a lifelong adventure.

2.     Treat others like you want to be treated.

3.      Don’t worry about your income level – it will rise as your level of expertise, and experience rise, and your successes pile up.

4.     Be open to changing your work/job, even if you like what you are currently doing and like the people you work with.

5.     Take care of yourself – your mind, body and spirit.

6.     Take care of your family (and friends). Spend quality time with your children.

7.     Have humility, openness and fairness. Build trust, so that people would love to work for (and with) you.
